• 一年级 Curriculum Information

    Langu年龄 艺术s: STEAM @ Northside (along with AAPS) has adopted the Common Core State Standards. This is an updated set of standards and objectives for langu年龄 arts and mathematics that is used nationally. This means that all students nationwide will be learning the same things at the same time, particularly helpful if your family needs to move or switch schools in the middle of the school year. Inorder to reach the goals of the Common Core, we will be using a variety of methods for Langu年龄 艺术s instruction: Guided Reading, 阅读车间, 看字读音, 字家庭, 和The Daily 5. The Daily 5 is a structure to help students develop the daily habits of reading, 写作, and working with classmates independently. 要做到这一点, we will work on the five components in our literacy block: Read to Self, 读给别人听, 听读, Work on Writing and Word Work. We are very excited to be teaching using the Daily 5 and the Common Core State Standards this year, and I'm sure your son/daughter will be talking about it too!

    Math: We will be using Everyday Math 4 in our classroom this year. This is a hands-on approach to learning mathematics that incorporates daily class routines (where we work on counting, 日历, 天气, 模式, 和解决问题), 数学活动, number recognition and math facts practice, and lots of math games (either through centers or iPads). Your child will have homework daily with this program, but it is a spiraling curriculum to best meet the needs of all students. In addition to the Whole Class lessons, we will also meet with small groups of students (for differentiation & 干预措施), while others will be 写作 in math journals, playing cooperative learning games, practicing math skills, and utilizing technology applications.

    Writing: We will be 写作 each day! We will be "conferencing" with each student throughout the week to work on their 写作 skills and habits during Writer's Workshop. The students will all become authors throughout the year by creating individual and class books! The students will primarily focus on narratives ("small moment" stories), informational ("how to"), and persuasive/opinion 写作, but also have additional "free choice" 写作 during Daily 5.

    Spelling: Using the Words Their Way program, we work on sorting words and learning more about word 模式.  Students practice 看字读音, phonemic awareness and practice 写作 字家庭. These lessons are reiterated during 写作 workshop when students are able to apply their knowledge of spelling.

    Science and Social Studies: We will be integrating science and social studies through project-based learning! Utilizing Phenomenal Science and Project Lead The Way (PLTW) resources, we will help students meet the Next Generation Science Standards. We will use the Michigan/Common Core State Standards for Social Studies. We will begin the year with a science unit on sound and a social studies unit on our Families. As the year progresses, so will the depth of our projects, as our young students will need time to learn to work together, 遵循程序, 批判性思考. Detailed information will be sent home as we begin working on new topics and projects in class. 

    Here are some links for more information regarding the various aforementioned standards:

    Next Generation Science Standards (Grade 1 see p. 10-14)
    Science Michigan GLCEs (Grade 1 see p. 9-17)
    Social Studies Michigan GLCEs (Grade 1 see p. 14-17)
    Common Core State Standards - Langu年龄 艺术s & 数学

    If you have any questions or concerns, as always, please feel free to contact us.


    The 一年级 STEAM Team

    Beth 拉弗蒂, Liz 皮尔斯, Caroline Semrau