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- 5th Grade
5th Grade
5th Grade 语文艺术标准
到五年级结束时,学生有望达到精通水平. At the Proficient level, students will be able to:
Recognize grade level words in text or in isolation.
识别叙事体裁的形式和目的,如历史小说, 高大的故事, 科幻小说, fantasy, 和神秘.
解释作者如何使用夸张和隐喻等文学手法来塑造人物, themes, plot, 以及英雄的作用, 反派和叙述者.
Explain how authors use time lines, graphs, charts, diagrams, 目录表, 介绍, summaries and conclusions to enhance understanding.
识别的形式, features and purpose of informational text such as advertising, 实验, 社论, 和地图册.
Confirm or revise inferences based on further reading.
Make meaningful predictions and synthesize information.
Reads a variety of literary forms such as short stories, 传记, 以及来自不同时期和文化的诗歌,以供欣赏和获取信息.
Write organized narratives with relevant details.
Write organized informational pieces with supporting details.
Write organized opinion pieces using supporting evidence.
Write constructed responses across subject areas.
Use conventions to edit (grammar, mechanics, spelling).
Consistently apply spelling patterns.
Plan, evaluate, and revise writing.
Use technology to produce and publish writing with support
Speaking & Listening
Respond to multiple text types by discussing, 说明, 和/或写作来反思, 明确的含义, make connections and inferences, 确立立场, and show deep understanding.
Listen and view critically for the purpose of gaining knowledge.
5th Grade Mathematics Standards
数学课程是五年级学生的年终目标. Although it is understood that children develop at different rates, 我们的目标是让学生能够在以下领域展示自己的能力:
操作 and Algebraic Thinking
• Write and interpret numerical expressions.
• Use parentheses, brackets, or basics.
• Analyze patterns and relationships.
• Generate and compare 2 numerical patterns.
• Use coordinate pairs to construct line graphs.
Number and 操作 in Base Ten
•理解整数, 小数位值系统和10的幂,因为它与位值(包括展开形式)有关, standard and exponential notation).
• Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
• Use place value to round decimals.
• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths.
Number and 操作 – Fractions
• Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.
• Interpret fractions as division.
• Multiply a fraction by a whole number.
• Multiply a fraction by a fraction.
• Explain the relationship between the factor and a product.
• Solve real world problems using fractions and mixed numbers.
• Interpret division of a unit fraction by a whole number.
• Interpret division of a whole number by a unit fraction.
• Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.
• Understand concepts of volume measurement.
• Use the appropriate units for measurement of volume.
•Use formulas to find volume of a solid.
•Plot ordered pair.
5th Grade 科学的标准
Students will learn about the following science strands:
- Use the process skills of observing, questioning, and measuring.
- Communicate findings of observations.
- 通过插图、表演、模型、展览等方式展示科学概念.
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
- 使用模型来描述动物食物中的能量(用于身体修复), growth, motion, and to maintain body warmth) was once energy from the sun.
- 支持植物主要从空气和水中获得生长所需物质的观点.
- Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, 的分解者, 还有环境.
- Develop a model using an example to describe ways the geosphere, biosphere, 水圈, and/or atmosphere interact.
- 描述并绘制各种水库中水和淡水的数量和百分比,以提供有关地球上水分布的证据.
- 获取并整合有关各个社区如何利用科学理念来保护地球资源和环境的信息.
Structure and Properties of Matter
- 确定所有物质都是由小到看不见的粒子组成的.
- Discover that particles can be rearranged to create new substances.
- Determine that some properties can be used to help identify matter.
- 确定温度与相变之间的因果关系.
5th Grade 社会研究及标准
Building upon the geography, 公民与政府, 四年级掌握的美国经济概念和更早年级的历史探究, 五年级的学生将学习以学科为中心的美国早期历史. In each of the following areas,
- 描述在欧洲人探索之前居住在北美的人们的生活.
- 确定欧洲探险和殖民的原因和后果.
- 描述16世纪以前生活在西非的人们的生活.
- 描述环境, political, and cultural consequences of the interactions among European, African, 和美洲印第安人在15世纪末到17世纪.
European Struggle for Control of North America
- 比较区域定居模式,并描述南部的重大发展, 新英格兰, and the mid-Atlantic colonies.
- 分析美洲奴隶制度的发展及其对非洲人生活的影响.
- 区分并解释美洲殖民地地区差异的原因.
Causes of the American Revolution
- 找出美国革命的主要政治、经济和意识形态原因.
- 解释美国革命的多面性及其后果.
- 解释新国家在《投注網站最新网址》下面临的一些挑战, 并分析宪法作为一种新的执政计划的发展.
Public Discourse/Decision Making/Citizen Involvement
- 识别美国公民面临的当代公共政策问题.
- 使用图形数据和其他来源来分析有关美国当代公共政策问题的信息,并撰写一篇短文,用合理的论点来证明自己的立场.
- Participate in projects to help or inform others.