- 投注网站
- 环境可持续性 Framework
环境可持续性 Framework
2022年12月, the 投注网站 adopted an 环境可持续性 (ES) Framework. Advised by the District's 环境可持续性 Taskforce and guided by Board Policy 8000: 环境可持续性. The AAPS ES Framework recognizes that while AAPS has been eng年龄d in environmental sustainability efforts for decades, 这是一个更新的关键时刻, 深化和协调这些努力. The current and looming climate crisis requires continued efforts to organize and institutionalize systemic changes.
- AAPS 环境可持续性 (ES) Framework (1.1 mb PDF)
- 环境可持续性 Framework Executive Summary 954 kb (PDF)
- Video of November 30, 2022 presentation to the 教育委员会
- November 30, 2022 slide presentation to the 教育委员会
The AAPS 环境可持续性 Framework is organized in three sections:
- Responsible 操作, Maintenance and Construction
- 环境教育 and Climate Literacy
- 健康校园
以总体政策为指导, these three sections are connected by foundational understandings in the AAPS:
The AAPS 环境可持续性 Framework is presented as a living document to be revised over time. It is based on the following 核心价值观 developed by the 教育委员会, 地区行政管理, 及环境服务专责小组:
The climate change emergency is real, increasing and caused by human activity.
AAPS has a responsibility to act urgently as a district, on school campuses and as individuals, in response to the complex challenges of climate change through the mitigation of harmful human activities and the promotion of human activities that restore the environment.
The critical mission of AAPS is teaching and learning. The district has a responsibility to lead and educate in our community in the development of environmental and climate literacy in our students with core academic offerings and enrichment learning opportunities to ensure our community is prepared for an uncertain climate change future.
AAPS will continue to enhance and support healthy and sustainable school campuses by improving air quality, 水的质量, 可持续粮食系统, 可持续发展的地点和场地, waste man年龄ment and building renovation and construction projects.
AAPS recognizes that the negative impacts of environmental degradation and climate change disproportionately impact marginalized and vulnerable populations and will continue to implement strategies to address these historic inequities.
AAPS schools offer a unique opportunity in our community to help create an environmental and climate literate population, 以身作则, model responsible behavior and cast a line deep into the next generation of environmentally conscious and active leaders and citizens.
Based on these values and our unique position in our community, AAPS affirms support for the following individual and shared commitments:
- reduce the use of disposable plastics, recycle at school and compost whenever possible
- 注意食物浪费
- 永远不要乱
- be mindful of energy waste including turning off lights and other devices when not in use
- walk, bike and take public transportation when possible
- 节约用水
- be respectful of the outdoor environment
AAPS recognizes that to meet the many challenges of the climate crisis will require collaboration in our community with other institutions, nonprofits and the business community. AAPS has existing partnerships and collaborations in local environmental sustainability, 包括A2Zero, 安娜堡2030区, 休伦河流域委员会, 生态中心等.
美国儿科学会社区伙伴关系办公室 maintains a list that includes many district-level and school-based partnerships. The AAPS 社区伙伴关系 office offers a great resource for understanding and refining the process for enhancing existing partnerships, 发展新的伙伴关系, and creating a framework to assess partnerships, celebrate success and share best practices.
The district will continue to eng年龄 and collaborate with local institutions, nonprofits and business partners to enhance and create county-wide carbon neutrality and environmental sustainability solutions.